What I learned about fear from 7-8 figure entrepreneurs: If you’re waiting to be unafraid before taking action, you’ll be waiting forever
You’ve probably all heard the saying “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” But being brave doesn’t mean being unafraid. It’s taking action anyway.
As a perfectionist, my biggest fear is failure and disappointing others.
Who feels me on this?
That’s why it was SO humbling to know that every single person on the stage at Angie Lee's Pays to Be Brave this weekend in San Diego spoke about fear, failure and imposter syndrome being an everyday hurdle.
How to move forward despite fear:
1️⃣ Take little steps each day. The big scary thing won’t be so scary if you start small. Scared to host a webinar? Practice by showing up on IG stories every day and doing Live Q&As.
2️⃣ Have a plan for when things go wrong, because they will. Have a “worst case scenario” plan and think about how you can pivot, and who you can call when shit hits the fan.
3️⃣ Get your support squad in order. This weekend, the incredible Lori Harder reminded us that no one succeeds alone. You need a circle of friends who are on your same path who can keep you grounded when things go wrong.
If you don’t have your girl boss squad yet, then join FB groups, coaching groups, or go to events. Your support system is EVERYTHING 🙌🏼
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Which of the above do you think could help you most?