I'm Mariela

I'm Mariela

I am a mother, daughter of Mexican immigrants, a former Director of Marketing, and an EQ-certified Leadership and Business Coach.

For 16 years, I helped multi-billion dollar companies and startups build profitable brands while growing and leading award-nominated marketing teams across the world.

Now, I help entrepreneurs and working professionals become confident and empowered leaders by infusing identity-specific mindset, emotional intelligence, and business strategy.

I know what it’s like to be the youngest and only woman of color sitting at the leadership table. But I'm making sure I am not the last.


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Leadership takes many forms, but it starts with us.

Whether you’re a CEO or need help navigating your next pivot, I help you become an emotionally intelligent leader, in charge of her own life, who others fanatically follow.

I spent 16 years in marketing, leading teams across 13 time zones, working with startups, Fortune 500s, and even co-founded a dating app.
I worked hard to tick off all the items on the grocery list of life: the 6-figure job, the house, the husband… But was it making me happy?
The truth is: I was stuck in autopilot, doing what I should but not what I wanted.

In my 30’s, I threw out the script and started over:

I left a 6-figure dream job at a Fortune 500, ended a 13-year relationship, traveled solo across Europe for a year,  moved to London, became a startup cofounder and a Director of Marketing. And just when I thought I had it all…
I moved back to the U.S. to raise my daughter following a divorce, and pivot yet again. I truly believe life happens FOR us, and that it is NEVER too late to write your dream story.
When you’re the daughter of immigrants, you want to live a life your parents would be proud of. But that often means you’re not raised to listen to your intuition or take up space.

This can show up in your life or business as:

  • Lack of boundaries, resulting in overdelivering & resentment
  • Bottlenecks in your team because you struggle to trust and delegate
  • A revolving door of team members who don't stay
  • Seeking validation and constant fear of failure
  • Burning yourself out 

By growing my self-trust, confidence and EQ, I was better able to lead others. Now I help other women do the same.



A 5-month Mastermind for emerging WOC thought leaders, next cohort starting in August 2023.

Monetize your thought leadership and become incomparable in the market, in a Mastermind that centers the lived experiences of women of color.

I’ll be showing you how I grew a multiple six-figure business, even as a single mother on a perpetual healing journey.




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Two Step

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